Prof Fumin Zhang, Chair Professor
Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Director of HKUST Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute
Message from Director
Robots can empower people in their daily lives, across work, leisure, and domestic needs. Economies around the world are pinning their hopes that robots will play a key role in the next generation of manufacturing, to increase efficiency, address labor shortages, and free people from work that is dull, dangerous, or dirty. With the generous endowment from Dr. Cheng Kar-Shun, now CKSRI has become a leading organization in research and technology advancements in autonomous systems and robotic technology worldwide. I feel very fortunate and grateful to take the helm as the director of this institution starting January 2023. Together we will work diligently to enhance CKSRI in every aspect.
The interdisciplinary Institute builds on nearly 30 years of cutting-edge engineering research at the University. Researchers across engineering and science bring together diversified expertise in areas ranging from manufacturing system design and statistical process control to advanced visual and audio interfaces and networked sensing, estimation, and control. Through collaboration, we will harbor top-quality faculty members and students to push the boundaries of research and education in robotics. We will develop first-class facilities and working environment to support innovations, creativity, and diversity. We will enhance our close ties to industry in Hong Kong, mainland China, and worldwide. With the strong upward trend in robotics and AI, we aim to expand our footage and extend our impact. If you are interested in robotics, the doors of CKSRI are always open to you, and we look forward to welcoming you to join us for work, study or just a visit.